Sara Ohlin’s Writing Website
Lots of fun stuff going on in my writing life! Like a brand spanking new gorgeous website Sara Ohlin. A new book, another one on the way. Not sure why it seems to happen at the same time my family is moving across the country and the kids are starting new schools…hmmm, maybe we should quit moving! We are back on gorgeous Whidbey Island and we are so, so happy. My first book comes out October 15th. Whoooo Hoooo!!! Handling the Rancher, published by Totally Bound is now available now for pre-order on Amazon, Kobo, B&N, and the Totally Bound Website. I hope to have more info soon about paper…
All My Grief
There you are, I think, as my breath catches in surprise. I let out a sigh. Of relief? Maybe. Or perhaps just acknowledgement. You’ve been gone for a while, but not forever. No, never that. Now I see you, stretched across the barren, ravaged, winter ground, chalky white and gray. Wispy tendrils of opaque, brisk air, snaking across this silent land. Like leftover music from a child’s music box, after the party is over. You haunt and linger.
Darkness & Light
For four months this fall we lived on the brilliant paradise of Whidbey Island. We arrived by ferry in August, the perfect, late summer, Puget Sound weather surrounding us. Warm, dry days, huge, blue sky, sunlight for hours and hours and hours. The kids went back to school in September and I got busy writing and learning. Since both kids have been in school full time I have taken every advantage of the long spaces of quiet to work. Writing every day, learning about blog design and promotion, and practicing my photography.
Writing Out of the January Blues
I was in my mid twenties when I first became really interested in photography. I was teaching elementary school in East L.A. and taking classes at Cal State to get my teaching credential. In order to fill a few extra credits I signed up for a black and white photography class with my old Pentax K1000. We had different assignments each week based on themes like, light, lines, shadows, contrast, composition, so many of the themes playing off of each other. After all, you can’t have shadows without light. I loved the way light and absence of light played such a huge roll in black and white photos. I loved…
Showing Up
What do you do when something you love that’s creative, that normally gives you energy, purpose, enjoyment, instead just drags you down? Even though it’s late summer, a gorgeous one, and the garden and farmers’ markets are bursting with fresh deliciousness, I have to admit, I’m in a cooking funk. For someone who loves to cook and loves food with a passion, this does not feel good. I even went to the library with the kids this week and checked out a bunch of cookbooks hoping to get inspired and I felt blah about all of them, just like I’m feeling blah about my kitchen and cooking these days.…