For some reason I’ve been thinking about getting back to blogging. There’s something about spring and gardening and all the colors in my yard. Even the deep brown hue of compost next to the bare wood of my raised beds excites me. The promise of what’s to come. Every year around this time the warmth, the sunshine, and the scents in the air wake me up from the cold, damp darkness of these Pacific Northwest winters.
I’ve written before about how gardening has things in common with writing and with raising kids. But what’s different about gardening, unique in a way that speaks to me, is that there are instant results, mostly lovely, sometimes rotten, but it’s like a simple equation, I do work = something happens. I’m not spending hours at the computer for no to little pay wondering if I should keep writing, or money and time on marketing efforts that are more often than not, futile. I’m not being ignored by two teenagers, or being their chauffer, or their personal chef, or the dumbest person they’ve ever met. I’m planting seeds and plants and watching them grow. I’m excited when even the hint of a dahlia peeks its way through the soil, or a radish is ready to harvest, or the first flowers on my sugar snap peas bloom.
The garden brings me so much joy, just like cooking does and photography, three things I want to bring back into my creative space. And I want to share it here. All this joy. All this beauty.
I’m going to play with new blog designs, so it might be wonky for a bit, but so is life. Cheers!