Blogging Again
For some reason I’ve been thinking about getting back to blogging. There’s something about spring and gardening and all the colors in my yard. Even the deep brown hue of compost next to the bare wood of my raised beds excites me. The promise of what’s to come. Every year around this time the warmth, the sunshine, and the scents in the air wake me up from the cold, damp darkness of these Pacific Northwest winters. I’ve written before about how gardening has things in common with writing and with raising kids. But what’s different about gardening, unique in a way that speaks to me, is that there are instant…
Writing Out of the January Blues
I was in my mid twenties when I first became really interested in photography. I was teaching elementary school in East L.A. and taking classes at Cal State to get my teaching credential. In order to fill a few extra credits I signed up for a black and white photography class with my old Pentax K1000. We had different assignments each week based on themes like, light, lines, shadows, contrast, composition, so many of the themes playing off of each other. After all, you can’t have shadows without light. I loved the way light and absence of light played such a huge roll in black and white photos. I loved…