• Blog,  Motherhood

    On Being a Mom

    One morning this past week I took both kids into the doctor for their well-child checkups. Both kids at the same time, which I told myself last year I would never do again because last year they acted like rioting monkeys instead of well-behaved children. Somehow along the year I must have forgotten how horrible that visit was, me practically begging Jasper to behave so I could concentrate on the doctor’s questions, me in a full-body hold of Lily screaming bloody murder while the nurse tried to give Lily her shots. There was a point during that visit last year when I wasn’t sure we would all survive. Somehow we…

  • My Perfect Manhattan
    Blog,  Cocktails,  Food

    My Perfect Manhattan

    Last year for my birthday my friend, Shannin, took me to see Les Miserables here in Everett. It was amazing, of course. (Although we missed our gorgeously talented friend, Michelle, in the role of Fantine.) But even more spectacular than the musical, was when we exited the theatre that night and it was pouring snow, big fat beautiful flakes; there were even a few white inches carpeting the ground.  When we got back to my house in Everett, Greg and Jason had put the kids to bed and were up drinking Manhattans by the fire while they watched Louis C.K. clips. It was nearly midnight, but we sat up till well…

  • Blog,  Gardening

    Spring Garden 2015

    I’ve been avoiding working in the garden this year which is confusing for me because our weather has been really oddly nice this winter and spring. Usually, come December 26th I can’t get my Christmas tree down fast enough and my garden catalogues out. By January I want the earth to be ready for me to start digging and planting. This year I knew I should take advantage of our great weather and get some starts planted, but I could barely drag myself out of my own hibernation mode to think about the garden. We didn’t even start our own sugar snap peas inside this year, instead I just planted them…

  • Shrimp Scampi
    Blog,  Food,  Gluten Free,  Pasta,  Writing

    My Mom’s Shrimp Scampi

    One evening about two weeks before my mom died, after helping her get comfortable in bed, I walked out into our living room to my aunts’ shrimp scampi. Our nine-foot long table was full of people, Aunt Trish, Aunt Mimi and Uncle Tim had arrived that week from Ohio to say their goodbyes to my mom. My 3 1/2 year-old daughter, Lily, and my 15 month-old son, Jasper, were there; I know Greg, my husband, was there because he was there through it all with me, my mom’s sickness, her death and after. I honestly can’t remember if my brother and his wife were there yet with their 2 1/2 year…

  • Gardening,  Writing

    Amazing Winter 2015

    Not to intentionally anger the rest of the country, but here in the Pacific Northwest we had one of the most beautiful, amazing winters. Little rain, lots and lots of sunshine, blue skies and temps in the 50s and 60s. Spring has already brought us a few days in the 70s. It was not a good winter for the mountains and ski resorts, which is a huge bummer for snowy sports fans, not to mention the lack of snow in the mountains could mean less water for the farmers this summer. And I have a feeling the bugs and weeds this year will be atrocious, but those of you who…